Defining System Suitability Tests
SST Wizard: Sample and Test Conditions

Sample Condition

On this page of the SST Wizard you can define for which sample(s) the test shall be calculated:

Test Condition

Use this tab page to enter the basic conditions for each system suitability test. Define what will be tested (i.e. calculated) and what value the result must be compared to. Also, a unique name must be assigned to the test

  1. Enter a unique name in the Test Name field.

  2. Specify the Test Condition by clicking the "..." (Browse) button. Select a variable from the Edit Result Formula dialog box. Typically this is a peak result, but any Chromeleon report variable can be chosen. Examples: Area, Height, Amount, Resolution, Number of Plates, Signal noise.

  3. Define the logical operator and the “compare value” with which the “Test Condition” will be compared. Select an Operator from the list, and then enter the compare value in the Value input field. The Compare Value can be a fixed limit, but it can also be a calculated value derived from certain Chromeleon Report Variables and User Defined Columns. For example, peak-specific specification limits can be defined as User Defined Columns in the Peak Table; these in turn can then be referred to as compare values.

    The following operators are available:




    Sample Condition: The SST if performed for all samples for which the property .....

    Test Condition: The SST checks whether the sample property ....


    equals the entered string of characters.

    < >

    does not equal the entered string of characters.


    is larger than the entered string of characters.


    is smaller than the entered string of characters.


    is larger than or equals the entered string of characters.


    is smaller than or equals the entered string of characters.


    contains the entered string of characters.

    does not contain:

    does not contain the entered string of characters.

    starts with:

    starts with the entered string of characters.

    does not start with:

    does not start with the entered string of characters.

    ends with:

    ends with the entered string of characters.

    does not end with:

    does not end with the entered string of characters.



    If the operators >, <, >=, or <= apply to text variables, the lexicographical order is observed; for example, A<B.

  4. The Round "Test Condition" and "Compare Value" to x decimals before comparing them option allows you to round the values for Test Condition and Compare Value before comparing them by selecting the number of digits to the right of the decimal separator. Click in the Value field to update the value.

  5. Select the Use aggregation check box to aggregate the test conditions over several samples. Selecting this check box takes you to the Aggregate page, where the statistical calculations can be defined.

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